


Online help

  • I have to register?
  • This depends on how the administrator sets up the Discuz! NT forum's user group permissions option, and you may even have to sign up for official users before you can browse posts. Of course, under normal circumstances, you should at least be an official user to send new posts and reply to existing posts. Please click here to register for free to become our new users!

    It is highly recommended that you register, which will result in many features that cannot be achieved as a tourist.
  • How can I log in the forum?
  • If you have already registered as a member of the forum, then you just by visiting the page top right of the login , enter the login screen to fill in the correct user name and password (if you have safety questions, please select the correct security question and fill in the answers), Click "Submit" to complete the landing. If you have not yet registered, please click here.

    If you need to stay logged in, select the appropriate cookie time within which you can maintain the last login without entering a password.
  • Forgot my password, how do?
  • When you forget the user's login password, you can reset a new password by registering in the e-mail address you filled in. Click the login page to retrieve the password , input your personal information, the system will automatically send messages to reset the password to complete the registration of your Email mailbox. If your email has expired or you cannot receive the email, please contact the forum administrator.
  • How do I use a personalized avatar?
  • In the personal settings in the user center -> Personality settings, you can use the forum's own avatar or a custom avatar.
  • How can I change the login password
  • In Personal Settings inUser Center ->  Change Password, fill in "Original Password", "New Password", "Confirm New Password". Click "Submit" to modify.
  • How do I use personalized signatures and nicknames
  • In Personal Settings in the User Center -> Edit Profile, there is a "nickname" and "personal signature" option that can be set here.