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How to Choose LED Car Lights [copy link]


How to Select Replacement Car light bulbs?
Halogen Lamps

The brightness of halogen lamps is relatively low, although the price is low compared to 福彩双色球other car bulbs.Visibility is not high when driving at night. So now halogen lamps are not common.

Xenon Lamp

The brightness of the xenon lamp is the highest of these three lamps. Compared with the halogen lamp, the brightness is three times higher, and the brightness of this lamp is closest to the sunlight. Secondly, its price is lower than the price of LED lights. But its service life will be short, and it is easy to wear out. It will be replaced after basically three thousand hours of use.

LED Lamp

The power consumption of LED bulbs is 幸运飞艇lower than other bulbs. The fast switching response time of the LED light means that you can see the light from the moment you turn on the headlight.

LED bulbs are not as bright as xenon lamps, but they do have brighter and more intense colors. The most important thing is that it is very small, so it is more suitable for most models, and it can be a perfect design close to the headlights. The LED headlight has low energy consumption and a天津快乐十分 lifespan of more than 10,000 hours,which is the best comprehensive performance among the three type car light bulbs.
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