Compared with its counterparts, the experience and performance of MacBook are better, yet it doesn’t mean that Mac will not malfunction, such as Keycap Not Working and MacBook not turning on. The first time you have met this problem above, you may feel nervous. However, facts proved that you can fix the trouble of MacBook’s not booting up without the help of serviceman. You just need to find the key issue.

Check that turn on your MacBook with charge, if adapter and power supply works normally, try the following steps.

1.Check Your MacBook’s Power Adapter

Make sure that the MacBook power line and power adapter are connected into your device safely. Confirm that the power line is in good condition, then plug the power line into socket. If your MacBook still can’t turn on after charging, try using another original power line and adapter to connect into your device, keep connecting the power adapter into your MacBook in enough time for charging your Mac.

2.Reset SMC

Some Apps may affect your MacBook’s booting, you can try resetting SMC to find whether the MacBook not turning on because of mac OS gets wrong.
There are two ways to reset SMC, you can get how to operate on the laptop blog’s article: How to Fix MacBook White Screen of Death

When all steps above are finished, you should try connecting your laptop into external display. After doing these above, if your MacBook works well, then you had better change a new MacBook screen for your device.

3.Other Ways to Fix Your MacBook Won't Startup Properly

Try a reset by disassembling laptop battery (except for built-in battery laptop) and disconnecting power supply together with pressing power button in 10 seconds. Then boot up your MacBook again.

Disconnect all accessories connected with your laptop, such as printer, USB hub and other mobile devices.

If you have installed internal storage or driver in your laptop, then make sure they are compatible. If possible, reinstall all devices mentioned above to check whether the MacBook still doesn’t turn on after restart.

I hope this article can help you solve the problem that MacBook can't booted in the easiest way, but if the above method can't turn MacBook on and screen is black, it means that your keyboard, power supply or motherboard has errors, you need to check and repair this hardware.

Related Articles:

How to Fix MacBook Keyboard not Working

How to Fix Windows 10 Blue Screen

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