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How to Improving HP Battery Performance [copy link]


Turn off features that are not usually used

Turn off features that are not usually used

Windows provides some powerful power features to keep your computer running at peak performance and optimize battery life in mobile applications. Enter "Control Panel" in the "Start" search box and open the "Power Options". Of course, you can use hp laptop power management software to control the battery power.

There are more ways to save power in the Windows Mobility Center,including settings for turning off the monitor and getting into sleep mode faster.

Turn off WIFI SG飞艇

Wi-Fi consumes power by continuously getting power from the battery, and it constantly needs to search the network when it is not connected.

If you turn it off as much as possible to reduce unnecessary waste power.

3. Disconnect unnecessary external devices天津快乐十分

Using USB device can quickly drain your battery because the computer motherboard must power them, so these save energy. U disk, mouse, etc. are commonly used peripherals,

And if you don't need sound, you can switch the speaker to mute.极速赛车

Eject the optical drive. Rotating the disc in the CD-ROM drive consumes a lot of power, so eject the disc can get extra battery life to ensure your other work.
最后编辑Kiwi2021 最后编辑于 2021-06-22 12:16:15
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10 top tips for computer beginners

Be patient with yourself – everyone finds it difficult and frustrating to learn how to use computers
Ask for help at any time, but especially if you:
can’t see the screen clearly
can’t use the mouse
haven’t used a keyboard before.[url=http://]SG飞艇[/url]
Computers are there to enhance your life.Think: what would I like to do better, do easier or do more of in my life? Then ask someone for advice on how a computer can help you achieve that goal.
Try to be selective about who you listen to. Those who are negative about computers may be scared themselves or maybe the digital world is just not for them. Don’t let your enthusiasm be dampened by them.
Go at your own pace – don’t compare yourself with anyone else. Everyone comes to computers with a different background and experience, and everyone learns to use them at a different pace.
Set yourself small, realistic goals. If you’re not sure what these should be, discuss them with a friend orwith a computer mentor or tutor if you have access to one. Better to be able to find one useful website or send one short email than to end up with a head full of instructions and no results.
Practice makes perfect: don’t shy f极速赛车rom repeating the things you’re learning time and time again until you feel you’ve got it. And don’t be scared about making mistakes.
If you start dreaming about mice, and email, and keyboards, you probably need to take a break!
Computers are also for fun. 天津快乐十分Find out about playing games: crosswords, cards, chess, Suduko, solitaire … And look into using computers to listen to music and the radio and to watch TV and films.
Don’t panic! It really will all make sense in the end. You’ll get there..

最后编辑Kiwi2021 最后编辑于 2021-09-30 13:36:02
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