


Online help

  • How do I post new topics and vote
  • In the forum section, click "Post" and click to enter the full-featured posting interface.

    Note: When you need to publish a vote, please open the voting option at the bottom of the posting screen to set. If you publish an ordinary topic, click "Post" directly. Of course, you can also use the "Quick Post" section below the forum to post a new post (if this option is enabled). General forums are set to log in before posting.
  • How do I reply
  • There are three kinds of responses: First, the quickest reply at the bottom of the post; Second, click the "Response" at the bottom right of the floor you want to reply; Third, reply to the full page, click the reply next to the "New Post" on this page. ".
  • How do I edit my post
  • In the upper right corner of the post, there are options for editing, replying, reporting, etc. Click Edit to edit the post.
  • How do I sell a purchase theme
  • Selling theme: When you enter the posting interface, if your user group has the permission to issue a sale and purchase, enter the price of the theme after "Sale price (money)", so that other users need to enter when viewing this post. The payment process can view the post.
  • Buy Theme: View your posts are ready to buy, there is [check the payment record] relevant information in the following post [buy the topic] [Back] and other links, click on the "Buy Theme" to make a purchase.
  • How do I upload attachments
  • When uploading a new topic, upload the attachment. The steps are: After uploading the title and content of the post, upload the attachment on the right side of the attachment, then select the specific filename to upload the attachment locally, and click on the topic to publish.
  • When uploading a reply, upload the attachment. The steps are: Write the content of the replying landlord, and then upload the attachment on the right. Then find the attachment that needs to be uploaded and click Post Reply.
  • How do I achieve the effect of photo and text formatting when posting?
  • When posting a new topic, click the "[insert]" link on the left of the upload attachment to insert the attachment tag into the appropriate location in the post.
  • How do I use Discuz!NT code
  • How can I use the short message function?
  • After you log in, click the SMS button on the navigation bar to enter SMS management. Click the [Send Short Message] button, enter the recipient's user name after "Send to", fill in the title and content, and click Submit (or press Ctrl+Enter to send) to send a short message.

    If you want to save to the outbox, check the box before "Save in Outbox" before submitting.
    • Click Inbox to open your inbox to see the short messages you received.
    • Click Outbox to see the short message saved in the Outbox.
  • How do I view forum membership data?
  • Click on the member above the navigation bar, then the member data of this forum is displayed. Note: The forum administrator is required to allow you to view the member profile before you can see it.
  • How do I use search
  • Click on the search above the navigation bar, enter the search keywords and select a range, you can retrieve the relevant posts you have access to the forum.
  • How do I use the "my" feature
  • Members must firstlog in,If you do not have a user nameplease register first .
  • After logging in, a “my” hyperlink will appear on the top left of the forum. Click this link to enter information about you.
  • How can I report a post to an administrator?
  • Open a post, in the top right corner of the post you can see: "Report" | "Tree" | "Collection" | "Edit" | "Delete" | "Rating" and so on a few buttons, click "Report" button Finish reporting a post.
  • How do I "collect" posts?
  • When you browse a post, in its upper right corner you can see: "Report" | "Tree" | "Collection" | "Edit" | "Delete" | "Rating", click the corresponding text connection to complete Related operations.
  • How do I use RSS to subscribe
  • A small RSS icon will appear in the top right corner of the forum's home page and in the section where you entered the section.,After the mouse click, the rss address of this site will appear. You can put this rss address into your rss reader. subscription.
  • How do I clear cookies
  • Introduce cookies removal method for 3 common browsers (Note: This method is to clear all cookies, please use with caution)
    • Internet Explorer: In the Internet Options→General tab of Tools (Options), IE6 can directly click the button for deleting Cookies, and IE7 can delete Cookies by clicking Delete in the “Browsing History” option. For Maxthon, Tencent TT and other IE core browsers are equally applicable.
    • FireFox: Tools→Options→Privacy→Cookies→Show Cookies You can delete corresponding cookies.
    • Opera: Tools → Preferences → Advanced → Cookies → Manage Cookies to delete cookies.
  • How do I use emoticons
  • Expressions are emoticons expressed in characters. If you turn on emoticons, Discuz!NT will convert some symbols into small images and display them in your posts. At the same time Discuz! NT support expression classification, paging function. Just use the mouse to click the expression when inserting the expression.